I am having trouble finding the mods I want to put on my site because the school blocks so many pages too.ĭay 5: Putting mods on page, had to limit mods to three classes and stock weapons due to time constraints. It's 10:12 P.M., and I'm listening to some Hoodie Allen and Childish Gambino.ĭay 4: Started gathering the mods I wanted to put on the website, and started uploading them, but there is a 10 MB limit. There's also many cosmedic hats with unusual effects. EX surrounding any gun in australlium makes it an australlium gun. Strangifier - Used in TF2 Crafting table to strangify a gun. NB This page is under development, guidelines, instructions, and more coming soon. Here you can find mods for the game made by others and also upload mods yourself. The "What are Mods?" page is done, and I'm rather satisfied with the final result. TF2 Crafting Table - Allows you to craft many of this mods features. This is the mod.io page for Deep Rock Galactic. Homepage done except for this blog section that needs to be updated every time I work on this.

Added and started filling out second page for explanation of mods, but I wonder if I should make it the third page.ĭay 3: Working on this outside of class is still pretty decent, but I wish I could actually be playing TF2 right now. These are the most important settings to change in order to improve your performance in Team Fortress 2, and most of them apply to. Gamebanana is blocked at school, so I can't get the files I need to make this website actually fulfill its purpose. What settings do I need to use in TF2 to ensure Im always performing as best as possible Good settings don’t make a good player, but they do make a player better. Some of these mods are NSFW, and I need to be careful around them at school. I wish this blog section could be a separate page, need to ask the teacher about that. I had to change themes so I could get the color scheme I wanted, there goes my progress.ĭay 2: I love my new theme, and the homepage is really coming together. The hardest part about making this website is trying to find high quality images, especially with the school blocking half of the pictures I try and get. I've always loved the game Team Fortress 2, and mods have always made the game feel more ridiculous than it already is, which is lovely. This is my update/blog for the website as it progressesĭay 1: I've decided to make my website on TF2 mods.